Unlock the Benefits: Introducing Our Loyalty Program!

Are you ready to take your flower shopping experience to the next level? We are thrilled to introduce our brand new loyalty program, designed to reward you with exclusive perks and bonuses with every order placed. Let's delve into the exciting details of our loyalty program!

How does our loyalty program work?

With every purchase, you automatically receive a cashback bonus of 10% based on the total order value. This bonus is credited directly to your account and can be redeemed towards your future orders. The best part? The bonuses have no limits, allowing you to accumulate and utilize them whenever you decide to make a purchase.  

How to redeem your bonuses?

Redeeming your hard-earned bonuses is a breeze. Simply mention redeem them on basket or notify our customer service team. Your bonus will be deducted from the total order amount, granting you the opportunity to enjoy our exquisite floral arrangements at an even more advantageous price. And here's the icing on the cake: if you've already redeemed points towards your order, the bonuses will not be affected or voided.

Why should you join our loyalty program?

- Cashback Bonus of 10%: Enjoy the satisfaction of receiving a 10% cashback bonus based on each order's value, making your future purchases even more delightful. The more orders you place, the more bonuses you accumulate!

- Flexibility: Our loyalty program offers the freedom to redeem bonuses at your convenience. You have the liberty to decide when and how to utilize your accumulated rewards.

- Exclusive Offers: As a loyal program member, you gain access to exclusive offers, discounts, and special events, ensuring you always receive extra value and unique opportunities.

Join our loyalty program today and start reaping the benefits and bonuses right away! Our flowers are brimming with beauty and the loyalty program is designed to enhance your shopping experience. Let us continue to brighten your days with our exceptional floral creations, while you enjoy the perks of being a valued member of our loyal community.

We also send promotional codes with holiday discounts via email. You can delight your loved ones by ordering a wonderful bouquet at a reasonable price. And our delivery service will realize your intention to please someone with a bunch of flowers within Prague and all over the Czech Republic.

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